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Buffy dearest Buffy, where to begin? Great writing, great characters, great acting, great atmosphere, and a great looking cast. (Anya, Cordy, Glory's Minion)  What more do you want in a show?

I have always been a sucker for great ensemble casts. Shows like The Simpsons, Northern Exposure, Homicide, WKRP in Cincinatti all had them. And Buffy DEFINITELY has one. It's a joy seeing all the various characters of the Buffy-verse interact. From Willow's tragic love for Tara, to the complexities between Spike & Buffy; all of the relationships are unique and entertaining. The fantasy milieu of the show allows each character to be fully explored in ways that could not be done on a traditional show. (Did I just use 'milieu' in a sentence?) In a world of demons & magic, inner-most secrets and darkest desires have a tendency of being revealed. (don't ask how, they just do) It's an insecure and fragile world which Buffy inhabits; fraught with peril and faced with indecision at every turn. Which I think a nice (if melodramatic) metaphor for growing up. 


Here's a Flash movie concerning Buffy & Angel's tumultuous relationship from Season 2... I didn't create it, though I wish I did, as it's very  well done. The person who made this movie has a Buffy website. Check it out here. And a word of warning, this movie does include images from the penultimate scene of Becoming Part 2....yes, you know the scene I'm talking about, so prepare yourself.

Two Buffy sites you MUST visit are The Collected Musings of Shadowkat and the Buffy Cross & Stake.

Shadowkat is easily the web's most knowledgeable Buffy fan. She is an extremely skilled writer and uses her immense talents for writing very informed essays on all things Buffy. Her knowledge is encyclopedic, she has total recall of every episode and has an uncanny ability to connect the adventures of the Scoobies to much larger issues. Even if your interest in Buffy is fleeting, you owe it to yourself to read her work.

The Cross & Stake is simply the most informative Buffy site out there. There's casting information, an episode guide, interviews, pictures, character info pages, spoilers, message boards and so much more. Any Buffy question likely has its answer in the Cross & Stake. right now. You'll be going there a lot.


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