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Sigh...when I first wrote up this page, CJCH  920am in Halifax was a full-time talk radio station. Fearing the affects of intelligent programming upon the citizenship, CJCH went to an all-sports format in its continuing mission to bore the countryside into submission. So, unless you've got some super powered radio, its unlikely you'll be able to listen to these shows. Which is a shame.  But here's what you're missing.

Talk radio, that is. With the advent of MP3's who's gonna waste time listening to unfunny DJ's giving away free tickets to Supertramp? Of the multitudes of talk radio shows out there, only two are worth my while: Dr. Gabe Mirkin and Art Bell.

Dr. Mirkin is NOT one of those pop psychologists who infest the airwaves like weeds. Dr. Mirkin may be the smartest man on Earth. There isn't a medical problem he hasn't examined, analyzed or pondered over.  If you're not familiar with the show, callers phone up the good doctor with health questions, covering everything from  acne to zits, and all the stuff in between. He has an answer for everyone. Dr. Mirkin pores over  all the latest medical journals from around the world gaining the most current medical knowledge. He has a very low opinion of common doctors who are often ignorant of this new information, and consequently give the incorrect treatment to their patients. 

Listening to Dr. Mirkin's show often scares the hell out of you, when you realize just how MANY things can go wrong with the human body.  No two callers have the same problem, and you stop and wonder just how humans survive at all with all the maladies that are out there.

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Art Bell. How do you describe Art Bell? His radio show ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous. For the uninitiated, Art Bell deals with psychic phenomena, UFO's, conspiracy theories and things that go bump in the night. Art Bell is responsible for turning the Y2K bug from harmless computer glitch to the apocalyptic (non) event of the millennium.  In the past, guests have warned Art about solar flares which would kill all life on Earth, the magnetic poles reversing which would devastate the world (don't ask me how, it just would.) Sometimes you laugh at the ridiculous conspiracies that guests spout, but other times you'll be afraid to turn off the light for fear that someone or something is waiting for you in the dark.

I think what makes his show so effective is that it's on all night long. Here in Halifax, it played from 1:00AM  to 6:00AM. At those hours of the night, the mind starts playing tricks. Things that would seem ridiculous in the light of day, seem very possible in the dead of night. For an example for what I'm talking about read this transcript. Keep in mind it was 4:00AM when I first heard this, and then the program abruptly went off the air, and stayed off for the rest of the night. It REALLY freaked me out. Incredible as it sounds, the satellite which was broadcasting the show throughout North America failed at that exact moment. Yikes. A few weeks later, someone took credit for the call and claimed it all a hoax. Now I'm inclined to believe it was, but I suspect few things will ever have that affect on me again.

Now, you may ask yourself, "Hmmmm Pete, why are you up at 4:00AM listening to the radio?"  Ah ha, but I may counter with "Why weren't YOU up at 4:00AM listening to the radio?" You see, the ball's in your court now, and while you struggle for an answer I slip out the backdoor and make my getaway.

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